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Enrichment Instructors

An adult volunteers with Zanewood students.

Become a Community Education Enrichment Instructor and discover the value of sharing your skills and connecting with others in your community.

Do you have a passion for teaching, and an expertise in arts & crafts, chess, cooking, dance, DIY projects, engineering, finance, fitness, health & wellness, home repairs, languages, law, music, photography, robotics, sports, technology, theater or another hobby area? 

Becoming an Enrichment Instructor offers an excellent opportunity for anyone looking for flexibility and fun!

Propose and teach classes

Browse classes

Explore the latest trends in adult enrichment. Adult and youth classes are offered from Sept. to June, scheduled to meet community needs, district calendar and your availability.

Winter/Spring catalog

Winter/Spring catalog (english) flip book 

Winter/SPRING catalog (ENglish) pdf

Adult classes

adult cooking in a kitchen

Complete the AE class proposal form and email it to 
or call 763-391-7117 for more information.

AE class proposal form 



Youth classes 

two students playing a game of chess

Complete the YE proposal form and email it to 
or call 763-391-7122 for more information.

YE class proposal form 


  • Fall : Sept.-Dec. 
  • Winter: Jan.- March 
  • Spring: April-June
  • Summer: June-Aug. 


  • Fall class proposals: due in April
  • Winter and Spring class proposals: due in Sept.
  • Summer class proposals: due in Nov.


  • Fall class proposals: due in April
  • Winter and Spring class proposals: due in Sept.
  • Summer class proposals: due in Nov.


Adult Enrichment

Melissa Carstens 
Community Education Coordinator 
Phone: 763-391-7117

Youth Enrichment

Sarah Heyer
Youth Enrichment Program Manager
Phone: 763-391-7122