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Check out what's been happening in ISD 279-Osseo Area Schools.

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Refreshed website to debut Sept. 7!

Families, staff members, and the community at large can look forward to a refreshed Osseo Area Schools website that is set to launch on Saturday, Sept. 7.

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words now hiring in yellow font with dark blue background

Osseo Area Schools’ Community Education programs are currently seeking dedicated individuals to fill a variety of roles this school year. This is a unique opportunity to explore an exciting career that makes a positive impact on our entire community through innovative and responsive programs and services.

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  • Community Education
Students participate in Community Education's summer programs

This summer over 5,000 students engaged in summer programming in our district. “It takes multiple departments, collaboration and staff to ensure summer programs are successful and scholars get what they need to be successful during the summer,” shared Carrie Cabe, director of community engagement.

  • Community Ed
  • Community Education
A group of students with their principal, smiling on the playground with their arms up

We can't wait to begin a new year in Osseo Area Schools! Don't forget to mark your calendars for the first day of school on Tuesday, Sept. 3. 

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kids at an end of the year celebration at a park

The end of the school year is always filled with fun events at schools across the district. Here are a few events that have taken place at elementary and middle schools during the last week of school!

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