Refreshed website to debut Sept. 7!
Families, staff members, and the community at large can look forward to a refreshed Osseo Area Schools website that is set to launch on Saturday, Sept. 7.
This project, which was initially introduced to stakeholders this past June, will bring modern design elements, visual storytelling, and an updated navigation system to the district website. These elements aim to significantly improve user experience - whether you’re a first-time visitor or a frequent guest.
While the foundation of the website will largely remain in place, the refresh will allow for increased district and school-level branding that highlights and connects the pride that our families feel for their school community.
One of the biggest focuses for the new site is creating additional one-click opportunities for current and prospective families in an effort to make it more user-friendly. The new district and school-level sites will feature a quick links library as well as sliders that highlight district or school level programming. Each of these elements will help make information more accessible to stakeholders in the Osseo Area Schools community.
In addition to the new features, users will also notice changes to the structure of the site’s navigation. The website refresh team is taking advantage of this opportunity to reorganize pages in a way that will be more intuitive for users. The main navigation headers on the new website will be: Enroll, About Us, Academics, Student Life, Departments, and Community. Within those headers is where families will be able to navigate to any and all pertinent district information. Schools will continue to have their own sites, and their navigation system will match that of the district.
Please note that users may notice some shifting around of items during the week this week as we begin the transition and the site remains under construction. It is our hope that all of these improvements make for a seamless transition and an immediately improved experience. However, if you are having trouble with the new site or finding information that is out-of-place or out-of-date, please do not hesitate to contact the Osseo Area Schools Community Relations team at
The website refresh team looks forward to launching this updated venture on Sept. 7, and continuing to maximize opportunities to connect with all stakeholders in Osseo Area Schools.
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