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Looking for a great summer employment opportunity?

Camp ROCKS! Academic Adventures is seeking qualified candidates for a variety of positions. The program is for current Kindergarten through fourth grade students who are referred in by a teacher. The Camp ROCKS! program dates for Summer 2025 are June 23-26, July 7-10, July 14-17, July 21-24, July 28-31. Teacher and ESP positions are hired in early May once enrollment has closed. All other positions are open until filled.


Camp ROCKS! Academic Adventures (CRAA) 

Develop your academic skills, make new friends and grow your love for learning. Camp ROCKS! Academic Adventures is highly active, hands-on fun for everyone. Taught by the best Osseo Area Schools teachers, you’ll discover a new passion for reading, math, science and more. Your day includes: breakfast & lunch, daily physical education, computer and media center time, science experiments, an on-site field trip, family open house and so much more. Work directly with your school year teacher for registration materials. Enrollment in this program is typically January-March each year. Only students referred by a teacher to the program may attend based on certain qualifications. Transportation is provided to and from camp for students if they qualify for bussing during the school year and in addition, the address is within the boundaries to qualify for bussing. Your camp location will be determined by your home or daycare address. 

  • For students currently in grades kindergarten through fourth. 
  • Open House: June 18 from 4:30-5:30 p.m. 
  • Program dates: June 23-26, July 7-10, July 14-17, July 21-24, July 28-31 
  • Enrollment process will start Jan. 15 through March 21, 2025. Scholars needs to be referred and have paperwork completed through a point person at their elementary school.
  • Locations: Birch Grove School for the Arts, Weaver Lake: A Science, Math & Technology School and Zanewood Community A STEAM School 
  • Questions about the program?  Email or call 763-391-7242.


Camp ROCKS! Mini Camps (Enrichment Camps) 

Experience a summer like never before! Our enrichment camps are taught by highly-qualified instructors that have a passion for arts & crafts, coding, game design, guitar, inventing, languages, piano, robotics, sewing, sports of all sorts, technology, woodworking and so much more. Choose from morning or afternoon camps for children ages prekindergarten through eighth grade, plus Teen Driver's Education.  Join us from mid-June through the beginning of August for an unforgettable summer! 

  • Catalog will be mailed mid-March with enrollment  open until the first day of camp or until full.  
  • Camps will be open for enrollment online by Feb. 17, 2025.
  • Locations: Weaver Lake: A Science, Math & Technology School and Maple Grove Middle School
  • Questions about the program? Email or call 763-391-7242.


For more information, contact Community Education Youth Enrichment.